In heir to the great dumble-clone amp builders such as Two-Rock, Fuchs, Amplified Nation, Cieratone, Quinn, Hamiltone - Comes the Duchess V40 single-channel all-valve tube amplifier. While original innovators of the dumble-spinoff market Two-Rock focused on a global concept of a "hook" which resulted in the "Contour" knob and bucked the idea of the primitive Marshall "Presence" (Patent:Schematic) by adding a complete and round-sound midrange scoop which essentially exemplifies the qualities shown in the early Two-Rock benchmark amplifiers such as the John Mayer Signature model. The Duchess attempts to go one better by doing away with this concept entirely to allow the listener to feel one step more intimate with the raw sound generated by their actual vacuum tubes. The result is a beautiful all purpose single channel amplifier which acts as a glassbox of tube-tone in a seductive perforated chassis which is a far-cry from "woman-tone".